Tech against Coronavirus

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Recommended Work Edu Covid-19 (11)All
Coronavirus dashboard
Not a collaboration tool, but a good way see stats on the spread of coronavirus.
Corona Tracker
Cases by country, news.
Coronavirus COVID-19 Global Cases by Johns Hopkins CSSE
Dashboard with Cases by Country/Region
Use this modeling app to experiment with the details of coronavirus outbreak so that you should better understand the situation.
World Health Organisation on the Coronavirus outbreak
Visalist Coronavirus Tracker
Interactive and always up to date map of global COVID-19 cases
Stats about Coronavirus
Graphics Reuters
Map of virus spread with animation and timeline
Covid-19 Tracker
Coronavirus tracker allows users to self-report symptoms, if they test positive, alert contacts so as to prevent the spread
COVID-19 Slack / Discord workspaces – International list
COVID-19 Slack / Discord workspaces – International list
Coronavirus Map & Dashboard
COVID-19 map and dashboard shows information regarding the current outbreak.